Last Trimester of Pregnancy

Last Trimester of Pregnancy

The following information is very important in your last 12 weeks of pregnancy. Your baby is enclosed in a bag of water called the amniotic sac. This fluid protects your infant while in the uterus. Sometimes the bag of water will break or rupture before you go into labor. If you experience a sudden gush of fluid or a slow leaking of fluid you will neeed to be examined. If it occurs after office hours, go directly to the Labor and Delivery Unit of the hospital. The hospital will contact us.

If you feel you are having contractions, begin to time them. This can be done by noting the time the contraction starts and ends. When the contraction begins, note them. Contractions are timed from start time to start time. If your contractions have established a regular pattern of 5-7 minutes for one or two hours time, you could be in labor. During working office hours, call us to let us know that you are coming in to be examined. If this occurs after office hours, go directly to the Labor and delivery Unit of the hospital.

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