Women experience many different feelings during pregnancy. As you have heard many times, no two pregnancies are alike, so avoid comparing yourself to others. During a normal pregnancy, you may experience unusual events that may concern you. The following list may help with some of these concerns.
Some normal things you may feel…
In early pregnancy
Tender, fuller breasts
Increased and frequent urination
Heavy or bloated feeling
Tiredness or fatigue
Nausea or morning sickness
Mid pregnancy
Increased vaginal discharge
Brief, sharp pain on one side
Spotting after intercourse or exams
Shortness of breath
Painless, random tightening of the abdomen
Nosebleeds or bleeding gums
Late Pregnancy
Stretching feeling in the pelvic area
Feeling unsteady when walking
Leaking of milk from the breast
Stretch marks on the breast, abdomen, and legs
Increased frequency of urination
Increased mucous discharge, spotting
Swollen feet at the end of the day