Disability Information

Disability Information

The great majority of expectant mothers can continue to work until late in their pregnancy without any problems. Sometimes however, the physical changes entailed in pregnancy or the demands of a women’s job can create workplace difficulties.

Please let us know if you have any concerns in this regard. We usually are able to suggest simple steps to deal with fatigue, “morning sickness”, or aches and pains that can be particularly challenging. If you have more serious symptoms or concerns about potential workplace hazards to you or your baby, we will evaluate the situation and respond accordingly.

When medically appropriate, we will recommend that a pregnant patient be placed on disability leave from her job. Such a leave is rarely required however, and in the absence of a serious condition that would endanger the health of the mother or baby, medical ethics prevent us from making such a recommendation. We will however, do everything we can to reduce or eliminate pregnancy related difficulties you may be having at work. This includes contacting your employer, when appropriate, to recommend helpful adjustments or alterations in your duties.

Please feel free to tell us of any work related concerns you may have. At the time of your medical leave, please allow us one week to fill out any disability papers your employer requires.

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